APRIL 2023

we're MOVING!!!!!!

well yes, moving(our bodies) together via zoom, but also, Aaron and i are moving(relocating) to LOS ANGELES. we bid adieu to our cozy corner of  Brooklyn april 30-

eeeeep!!! CH CH CHANGES...

needless to say, there are feels of all kinds, and so much to do! i am currently dipping in and out of going frozen by the sheer volume of everything in transit. i imagine this is how plants feel as they're being repotted. and, i can only hope, like a plant transplanted, this change will provide room to grow; the chance to shed the stuff and skins no longer nourishing; and the opportunity to cultivate different spaces, habits, and ways of being, inspired by a new environment, and unfamiliar circumstances.

thankfully, technology will allow some things to stay the same, most importantly this little community of moving. while the first two weeks of MAY will see a pause in *practice with sam*, my plan is to resume group zooms once i'm feeling grounded on the left coast. these weekly sessions have become such a special space of connection for me, which is to say, i hope you'll move along with me!!

until then, APRIL awaits. we're less than an hour away from safely saying SPRING's SPRUNG- i spy temps over 60 forecasted throughout the week in NYC!! the sun is up later and longer; the air is warmer and sweeter; the layers of heavy clothing and heavy feeling are beginning to lift; the buds and green leaves are timidly emerging. change, and movement, seems to be multiplying all around.

and whether it's the change in seasons, or the changes happening in your own life, should you feel the need to shake things out, shake things loose, know there's a zoom room ready to receive you. APRIL schedule is live; BURST THROUGH>>>


xxo sam

MARCH 2023

i don't know about you all but the last three months in my corner of the world have been... something. getting sick back to back to back, including giving my fancy covid for his birthday, a week-long flu, and getting a nasty cold while visiting my parents in Texas, brought up a lot, and i don't mean just my temp and gunky green stuff. 

when bad things happen in such rapid succession it's easy to go right to the place of 'what did i do to deserve this', or, 'what lesson am i supposed to be learning from all this' - that all too human need to find or make meaning of our experiences. and while i am a believer in the power of reflection, assessment, and course correction, the time and place for that work shouldn't be while running a fever. and maybe that's the sliver lining of being sick as a dog. there were low points during each of my bouts of dis-ease when all i could do was give in completely to the present, and wholeheartedly practice just being. it's hard to succumb to the spiral when all you can physically do is curl up into a ball and count your breaths until the meds kick in.

now that i'm (fingers crossed) on the other side of things, i'm learning to take things slow, to resist the impulse and desire to do more. i'm figuring out what i can let go so that i can show my body more tenderness and appreciation for everything i ask of it, and so that i can be more present in what i do choose to engage. these lessons are nothing new. in fact, I would argue that the last three years have been a crash course in the subject of slowing down and letting go, in prioritizing the health and wellness of self and others, and in engaging the power of presence. 

so, as we all continue to emerge from the tightly wrapped cocoon of pandemic precaution, it's important to carry what we learned with us, to continue practicing what we discovered behind masks and in lockdown, no matter how quickly the world around us tries to snap back to what was. why? as the old adage goes, every lesson is repeated until learned. 

xxo sam


this month’s musing arrives in the form of things to consider as possible to do’s for expansion and inspiration in FEBRUARY-

  1. To visit- Thierry Mugler at the Brooklyn Museum

  2. To watch- Women Talking, All the Beauty and the Bloodshed, and Aftersun (these are all intense films, i def cried, but they will all stay with you after, in a positive way)

  3. For a giggle- https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/your-personality-explained-by-your-annoying-household-habits

  4. For your belly- https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1019882-twice-baked-potatoes?smid=ck-recipe-iOS-share (a new/old staple in our home these days, can dress up or down as much as you want!)

  5. For the soul- THE PEACE OF WILD THINGS
    When despair for the world grows in me
    and I wake in the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting with their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
    —Wendell Berry

miss you, love you, hope to see you soon!!

xxo sam


well - it’s that that time again… new year, new you? nah bu, new year, same you, diff day, and that’s ok. the pressure of the reset is real and i am taking a hard pass this jan. 

and listen, i am all for reflection, reassessment, recalibration and renewal (and if that’s you by all means catch that spark, light that fire) but this year i’m sending out an SOS to all the folks out there who just want to step into 2023 with their heads down, hearts open and hands ready for what’s next. 

traditions and rituals are profound and powerful stuff but like most things they lose their potency when overblown, phoned in or made routine, and for me, this year begs a pause on all things re-       .

so to close out 2022 i plan to practice and celebrate the things that consistently give me ground, bring me to happy, and start my engine through the good, the bad and the ugly - movement, a movie, a good meal, words, and time spent with my dearest. because that old saying holds true: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. 

and while a whole lot is broken and needs fixing, this little pocket of time between two-two and two-three feels ripe to revel in what feels whole; what i can trust; what gives me strength, hope and courage to greet the new day, and year, feeling steady, ready and maybe even a little glad to roll up my sleeves and do the thing i hope we all manage to do every day, all year long, whether it’s jan 1, june 3 or dec 31 … to live loud, stay kind, and choose joy, for ourselves and everyone, everywhere, as much as humanly possible. 

thank you 2022 for illuminating the things that make me feel solid and smiley - 2023, let’s boogie.

xxo sam


and just like that, another year, wrapped!

well, almost anyway- just 31 days until 2022 bids adieu, and 2023 makes it's debut. a pocket of time ripe with the excitement, pressures, and busy-ness of celebration and reflection, closing out, starting anew.

time inevitably marches on, the world keeps turning, as it always has, and we twirl along with it, journeying through time, space and the cosmos in our fleshy body suits, aboard this vessel called earth.

and while our experience of time, space, and the cosmos is as varied, complex, and unique as our dynamic identities, we all have a body and call earth our home. these two things unite us as human beings as we go about our business being human.

so much of what i hope to accomplish with this little community, as i understand it now, is to make space for humanness, to practice and engage being, and tap into the innate wisdom of our bodies, because when we are able to do these things i really believe the world, or at least our experience of it, becomes better.

that being said, our experience of the world, and the reality we face as earthlings, are not one and the same. as much as we might find success in improving our experience through practice, movement, deep breathing, awareness, acceptance, building strength, taking rest, cultivating kindness, peace, joy etc. - our very existence is wholly dependent on the place we call home, and our relationship to it.

the bottom line? we need the earth, it doesn't need us, making no mistake that it is us that needs saving, not earth. no doubt the earth will persist, in spite of us, evolving as it has for millenia. it is, however, up to us to do better, to shift our relationship with earth, so that we might persist along with it.

so fellow humans, as you make your way through the last 31 days of 2022, and prepare to step into the 365 days, 52 weeks, and 12 months that will soon be 2023, remember to take care of your body, to make space for your being, to acknowledge your humanness. but perhaps, most of all, take greater care, make more space, and acknowledge more deeply how you might better relate to, and appreciate, the thing we all need most of all: our collective vessel and home, earth.

xxo sam


dearest friends-

once again we find ourselves in the final months of yet another strange year. and like the recent years previous, this one has managed to stretch and congeal in the most surreal of fashions. a few important things to note as we journey on, venturing ever deeper into the amorphous blob that is space, and this lifetime:

our combined efforts in 2022 have directed over $1300 towards organizations whose missions are moving us towards a more equitable future. with giving season ahead here's a quick listing of these important orgs, should you feel inspired to give on your own!


along with MOVE WITH LOVE (who is opening a brick and mortar space in Philadephia that you should all go visit and tell your philly friends to run to) and LIZ MIGLIACCIO (who is back in full force teaching in-person classes at TANGERINE in downtown BK), we also directed over $1700 to NEVER AND NOW, an org that has raised over $135,000 to support 5 pro-choice candidates for NC senate to ensure abortion stays legal in North Carolina. also don't forget to vote!!

on a more personal front, my fancy and i making things legal today by declaring our status as domestic partners in front of a judge, dressed as Beetlejuice and Lydia Deetz (obviously), on our fourth anniversary of living together, and marking over 10 years of being in each other's lives!! i can now officially call ours a spookaversary - HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

coming together can happen in so many weird and wonderful ways, and this year has been a good reminder that we can and should dream wildly, because when we do, we find the people as weird, wild and wonderful as we are. and together, good things happen.

i am so proud of my friend Holly for making MOVE WITH LOVE- something i watched her conjure up from the darkest of moments- into a real live space for coming together, one i am sure will be the brightest of lights for those looking for community and movement in her hometown of philly; and yes, another plug to spread the word to MOVE WITH LOVE <3

i am also excited to encourage you to keep tabs on Emily's newest project NEXT TIME, a film she has wrapped shooting (a major feat in itself), that is expected to drop in 2023- i can't wait to watch what promises to be a thrilling tale of time travel, growing up, revenge and mystery! and if you're in need of a great read, don't sleep on THE ATAVIST - a seriously good long form journalism publication, which comes as no surprise with Seyward at the helm.

finally, a big THANK YOU to all of you for your continued participation in this little virtual movement venture. your moves, on and off the mat, your kindness and support are endlessly inspiring. thank you for being my tether through all the uncertainty. i am so grateful to know you, and to share part of this strange life with you!

see you in zoom room soon :) and, one more time, don't forget to VOTE!!!!!!

xxo sam


i have always loved a good scare, and firmly believe in the power of a scream fest, a spine-chilling thrill, to clear the psychic humors. but considering *all the things*, these days i don't need to seek out a haunted house to feel my skin crawl, rattle my bones, jump three feet in the air, let out a shriek. and while reading the news, and facing hard truths about what needs to be done to keep each other safe, happy and free is reaching horror movie levels of freaky, i am strangely hopeful-

because there is power in being able to name our demons; in knowing there are monsters lurking; in understanding our proximity to doom and disaster. the dread we face is real- there is no denying the precipice, the abyss, our current trajectory is throttling us towards.

it is precisely this awareness that can, will, and has emboldened us to take action, to each do what we are able, to change the writing on the wall, to take control of the nightmare unfolding. if this was a horror movie, we’re at the point in the plot where the main characters are in montage, furiously planning their escape, gathering all the necessary materials to vanquish the big bad; or when the most unlikely of heroes reveals themselves, rising up from some impossible scenario to overcome their deepest, darkest fear, and kick some serious ass.

so while spooky season hits differently this year, given the onslaught of alarming realities nationally and globally, we can use our fear as fuel, recognizing that sometimes it takes being engulfed in the darkness to figure out exactly what we're made of. as Buffy Summers once said, "there is only one thing on this earth more powerful than evil- and that’s us.”

let's muster our collective strength, pick up the metaphorical axe, and take down the beast.

happy hunting ;)

xxo sam


hello dearest movers and shakers-

firstly i would like to apologize for the messy nature of last month. between travel, other work obligations, and personal things, i dropped the ball on more than a few occasions... including the tardiness of this newsletter.

truth is i still feel like i'm wading in muck. figures and memories of the past loom like ghosts in my psyche- ha, the cancerian in me really goes ham in these moments, so yes, the feelings are big, but i can see clearly that the way out is through. and in spite of the inner tumult, i am awed by the mind, the body, and heart as infinitely mysterious and resilient. i know my past will continue to unravel through filters of new awareness and growing perspective, and sometimes that shit will be painful, but i know i'm ok, and will continue to evolve for the better. so a big thank you to all of you that have shown me patience and grace.

in a broader sense, this is all just part of the natural cycle of things. parts of us wither. it's up to us to prune the browned bits. or we can choose to plant entirely new seeds, to till the soil differently, always hoping something brighter will blossom. and perhaps it should come as no surprise that all of this is happening at the locus of a seasonal shift. maybe you feel it too- the pull to slow down, drop an anchor; that need to turn inwards, to reflect, lay your cheek to the earth, get to ground.

with the rush of summer coming to close, we begin fall-ing.

and right now, this descent feels less scary, more buoyant with hope -

the wheel keeps turning,
so that we can all try again,
to sink, swim or float.

xxo sam


just gonna play it straight with this missive and share that i'm really freakin' excited to travel overseas again, FINALLY, after 3+ years of staying stateside bc of the pandemmy. next week i will be in Germany for a hot 9 days visiting friends and a city-wide art festival in Kassel, check it out- https://documenta-fifteen.de.

growing up outside the US, travel has been part of my life since i was 6mos old, and i can't say enough how much experiencing the world and how other people live has impacted me as a person, and my practice of curiosity, kindness, and compassion. global travel is a privilege that i wish everyone could engage, not only for the sheer delight of it, but for all the ways it expands one's awareness and understanding.

certainly travel is much harder these days given that the pandemic is far from over (plus everything else that is happening around the world), and i do have reservations/concerns re the impact of travelling for funsies during such a sensitive time. as i waffled back and forth between should or shouldn't i, i realized the following-

1) the state of the world, and of life, is always going to be mixed, complicated, murky. no moment in time is the perfect time. all we can do is make choices/decisions that cause the least harm, while maximizing joy and expansion.

2) you gotta lean into the serendipitous- if it's meant to be, things often unfold naturally; magic happens when you keep your mind/heart open to the path that opens up at your feet. when my friend Robertio emailed me months ago about possibly taking this trip i wrote it off bc pandemic/finances; then in early July i read an article in the NYT that an Indonesian art collective (shout out to my mama's motherland) is directing Documenta this year; feeling a pull to experience the work of Indonesian artists on the world stage i checked the dates Roberto was planning to go, and wouldn't you know it, those were pretty much the dates i could swing a trip. after that the breadcrumbs kept landing at my toe tips, from impossibly cheap airfare, to friends offering places to stay (extra loud shout out to Emily and Roberto for helping to make this travel fantasy a reality).

3) life is for living. it is absolutely your responsibility to live it. period.

so that's where i'm at, and that's where i'll be!

until i see you next, my hope is that we all continue to make our way through the thick of it, find ways to lean into what's meant for us, and live our lives in the fullest possible way, whatever that looks like!

and see you on the other side...
xxo sam

JULY 2022

all we can do is keep going.
the truth is, none of this real,
we make the rules,

and re-make them-
ours is a world done and undone,
when something breaks
we repair or replace it
learn to do things differently
and hopefully,
we bounce back faster,

we change-
because we remember
how things were
how they are
how they might be;
that when we err
there is immeasurable suffering and despair

and we can't unsee what we’ve already seen
and keep seeing:
that the machine we inherited
is systemic, systematic, outdated, 

parts entirely missing,
held together with tape,
thoughts and prayer.
still, we have all the tools,
and more importantly
we have each other-
because no matter what happens next,
it will always be up to us
to build something better
for each other
and for all the ones 
we pass our legacy of life to.

xxo sam

JUNE 2022

the world is full of much to despair, our existence is rife with gloom, doom and suffering. the weight we carry, personally and otherwise, is enough to pull the best of us under. whether you read, watch or scroll, shit is just going from bad to worse- so much seems to be moving backwards that it can feel as though we are moving backwards ourselves.

this is what makes our continuity as a species so awesome, and frankly, miraculous. despite the enormous pressures and obstacles to progress we consistently face, we persist. we meet challenges and setbacks, big and small, daily; we stand up to adversity, with acts of resistance and kindness; sometimes, we even beat the odds, in ways that can only be described as miraculous. because on our better days, we are miraculous. we really can make the impossible, happen.

by reveling in one end of our human spectrum or the other - lost in our shadow or blinded by our light - we tend to overlook the many, necessary and natural versions of ourselves it takes to get to where we are, and to where we want to be.

evolution is a strange and messy process - consider the platypus.

as the days become longer, and brighter, i hope we can all give ourselves a little grace in our growing, and to extend the same to others, because we’re all just somewhere on the spectrum, we’re all human, we struggle, we persevere, and miracles happen, every single day.

xxo sam

MAY 2022

sweet humans-

i am back in my usual spot,
curled up in a nest of blankets and cats,
ten days of travel past,
visiting family old and new.

preview and nostalgia:
i moved slow, soft, and quiet with 77,
and then run run run,
play hide and seek with 22 months-
tomorrow is my 36th birthday,
a strange space of being,
right in between.

for baby ruby,
the pace of the race is feverish-
always more please,
and again,
feelings so big and uncontainable
no option but to implode,
baffled and breathless.

for saba,
the finish line feels dangerously close,
fanfare glittering on the horizon;
so we stop to smell the roses,
catalog every scent,
those now and remembered,
sharing reveries and reflections,
knowing that each step is one closer,
to an unknowable but inevitable end.

yesterday and today,
my steps are measured,
my pace even,
i am sure footed with practice,
and rest when it’s necessary-
but i can no longer see clearly,
where it is that i started,
nor am i sure where i am going;
yet i know,
to indulge the path at my feet,
like ruby-
and am reminded by saba,
to resist the weight of weariness,
never to neglect,
the beautiful scenery,
always changing around me.

we humans are a wondrous and impossible thing-
fragile in our beginnings, our endings,
ripe with unimaginable possibility,
magical at every stage,
we are never done;
always learning,
a premise both relieving,
and maddening;
for there is always time,
but never time enough.

when i blow out my candles,
my wish will be simple-
to make time for wonder,
to take time to wander,
to live my 36,
like i'm 22 months,
and 77 years,
all at once.

xxo sam

APRIL 2022

the pose/posture (āsanam) (should be) firm/steady (sthira) and sweet/pleasant (sukham)
—the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, 2.46

in my experience, american culture largely frames duality as two separate things at odds or in conflict. think good and bad; right and wrong; even man and woman.

in my understanding of yoga philosophy, dualities, binaries and multiplicity can function in opposition, but are better understood as fragments of a whole, all of which are necessary for balance, harmony, and ultimately, fullness.

sutra 2.46, one of the well-known aphorisms from the widely excerpted Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, illustrates this point well.

sthira and sukha each hold a myriad of possible and subtly different definitions when translated. the beauty of the Sanskrit language is its allowance for many meanings, dependent on context, and the choices inherent to the act of translating. that being said, generally speaking: sthira > steady, sukha > sweet. sutra 2.46 uses these two adjectives to describe the asana (pose) ideal for the pursuit of yoga.

the pose must be both steady and sweet.

striking the balance or finding harmony between steadiness and sweetness?
that is the practice.

like mixing colors to achieve a desired shade, the right amounts of sthira and sukha are required to be successful in yoga. and figuring out the right amount is challenging because none of us is exactly the same. we are born unique. where i might need to engage more sthira in my warrior 2, your particular physical structure, and constellation of experience, might require more sukha. and even more frustrating? these formulas are not fixed; they change as we do, fluctuating with the shifting context of our lives, and our experience of an asana at the specific time of practice. nothing ever stays the same. everything is always changing. as life expands, contracts, flows, so must our poses. so must we.

sthira, sukha, and asana are in constant conversation. in perpetuity.

for me, sutra 2.46 lends itself to so much more than finding the ideal warrior 2. learning how to establish a pose with the right amount of steadiness and sweetness gives us tools for finding the same in our day to day, where it really matters. our approach to asana is practice, not only for our physical structure, but also for striking the appropriate balance between firmness and ease in our postures and attitudes in life.


over time, with repetition, a practice becomes discipline, and we grasp just how delicate the balance between sthira and sukha can be; we appreciate the skill required to bring them into harmony, within and with others, setting the foundation for more compassionate interactions with ourselves and those around us. if we are able to give ourselves grace, to make space to calibrate sthira and sukha, we are better equipped to do the same for another.

what would the world look like if we took more time to regularly ask ourselves, and each other- more sthira? more sukha?

in the coming months, as we navigate the ebb and flow of the ongoing pandemic, and our varying responses to it; as we continue to untangle the knot of imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, racism, patriarchy, misogyny, queer and transphobia; as we manuever through violence towards peace; i hope we are able to do so with sthira and sukha, and to allow for the space and time to consider what is most necessary to achieve balance, harmony, and fullness, for us all.

xxo sam

MARCH 2022

i watched
and i wondered-
why this?
why now?

so much violent conflict
plays out on the world stage


and for as long as i can remember-

we fight and we kill

for power
and resources

and again
and again.

so why,
this aching flood of feeling
at this particular moment in time?

doesn’t brutality enacted on any peoples
deserve a close eye,
collective concern,
global action?

because murderous movements persist,

this feeling, now,
reflects a privilege:

to remain ignorant to some suffering,
and not others.

and ours-
to so quickly condemn some suffering,
and not others.

shouldn’t peace be the baseline?
for all of us


because some lives are not worth more than others,
and too many lives are blown apart


over the belief
that more is better,
bigger is better,
stronger is better,

that some are better than others.


(at least not enough)

because history keeps repeating itself
in so many ways,

and i just can’t shake,
the sinking feeling,
that what is unfolding,
is all too familiar-

a tipping point.

lines being drawn-
allies and enemies


that have been
carefully placed
for some time.

and i am afraid-



we all will.




may we make time-
to honor our visceral responses,
to clock our blindspots,
to acknowledge inherited, learned, and unconscious biases,
and most of all,
to pray for and practice peace.


xxo sam


in the tradition of yoga, one of the many paths of practice is that of भक्ति or bhakti, widely translated in the west as love, devotion, worship. perhaps the most well-known bhakti yogis are the Hare Krishnas, often found in Union Square chanting, singing, and dancing as expressions of their faith and love for lord Krishna. in the same way that some folks engage asana (poses) to achieve a state of yoga, the Hare Krishnas chant, sing and dance to find their connection, bliss, union.

when looking up the definition of bhakti in the the Sanskrit dictionary, it's interesting to note that beyond the aforementioned notions of love/devotion/worship, are the terms 'attachment', and 'being a part of'. certainly, to love is to form an attachment to someone or something; to love is an act of choosing to be a part of something beyond or within the self. but love can and should also be recognized in, and expressed to, all the people, places and things that have become part of us, outside more traditional romantic or spiritual sensibilities.

february is synonymous with love- valentines day falling right in the middle of the month. and while the day largely skews towards the celebration of romantic love, other kinds of love have been rightfully included as worthy of celebrating. i am a big fan of the galentines day movement where romance rebels of the femme persuasion choose instead to celebrate the love shared between besties, or the option to make the 14th a day to indulge in self-care as self-love, celebrating the often neglected M-E, me!

this february i hope you make space to celebrate love; to acknowledge that which you are devoted/attached to; to worship what you are a part of, what is a part of you. whether it's a grand romance, an important friendship, a needed tribute to self, or perhaps a smaller gesture for that quieter love between you and the people, places and things that have become an inextricable part of you and your daily rhythms. think the garbage man who clears your refuse weekly, the park you frequent regularly, that favorite meal you haven't made in a while. love shows up in our lives in so many ways, big and small, it just takes an open heart to notice it, receive it, and spread it around.

happy love month lovebugs- know that i love you, and hold you dearly in my heart.

xxo sam


maybe you've seen the meme circulating that highlights how 2022 when said aloud could also be understood as 2020, TOO

certainly with the uptick of COVID cases due to the spread of the delta and omicron variants, life certainly feels as though it has somehow wound itself back to the very beginning of this pandemmy we’re STILL surviving. whether you've battled the virus, or are simply doing your best to avoid it, all the while managing the anxiety and stress of living with the pressure of a constant and invisible threat, the last couple years have been challenging- hard in every sense of the word.

and yet, how lucky we are! those of us who have gotten sick and then better, and those of us who have managed to evade illness. how lucky that science has given us vaccines to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. yes, these times are rife with shadow and suffering, but there are also many blessings.

so, as we enter 2020-deux, let's resolve less, and give thanks instead- move the focus away from what needs changing or fixing about ourselves, so that we might put more energy towards celebrating all of the ways in which we've overcome, pushed through, and landed, against the odds, time and again. let's spend less time amplifying self critique in favor of invigorating our innate ability to choose lightness, to create new paths, even in unusually dark times.

as we go from the end of one chapter and move fully into the next, let's take the 'too' and ‘deux’ out of 2022, and make it a 2022ude! an attitude of gratitude; an attitude of prevailing kindness and care for each other; an attitude of thinking bigger and beyond the me; an attitude of connectedness, that as lonely as these times can be, we will strive to find ways to be together, to support each other. really, we're very well practiced at all of this, we know how to keep our heads up and our feet on the ground. perhaps now is the time we take steps towards thriving despite such adverse conditions. let's use everything we already know from 2020 and 2021, and move into 2022 that much steadier, brighter and buoyant; ready to carry on, carry on.


xxo sam


we enter the final month of the year 2021, just 31 days until a whole new cycle begins- cue the wellspring of self-reflection and resolutions.

marking the passage of time while trying to make sense of what it all means (and what to do next) is both foolish and significant. foolish because we can’t really know what the meaning of things are until more time passes, and the effects of an event, epiphany, act etc. are fully measured; significant because this what we humans do- as time goes and life happens, we are compelled to make sense of it, so that we can make sense of ourselves.

what am i doing?

who am i?

if what we do, over time, helps define who we are, life becomes a never ending exercise in creation, reflection, refinement and repetition, all happening constantly and simultaneously.

*you ever hear that saying that you can't write and edit at the same time? well, that's exactly what it feels like i'm doing all of the time…yikes.

as time keeps passing, and life keeps unfolding, the puzzle of meaning- of life, and of self- keeps coming together then falling apart, over and over and over again.

time passes,
shit happens,
things change,
we change,
an infinite loop.

its maddening and beautiful;
exhausting and exhilarating.

understanding and accepting all of the above has been my most challenging practice this year. a few thoughts i’m continue to grapple with:

how do i feel grounded while acknowledging that everything and everyone, myself included,
is in process,
exists on a spectrum that always can shift?

how do i make my next move,
if nothing and no one is fixed?

what is real,
if everything and everyone is always changing?

this wobbly terrain is destabilizing, which, for someone like me, perpetually seeking balance,


is exasperating.

and yet,
a swinging landscape also offers the permission to stumble-

if the ground underfoot keeps shifting, isn’t a tumble inevitable?
by design?


we were always meant to fall-

we fall

so that
we get up.

this is how we,
and the world,

one step forward,
many steps back.
a leap.
a crash.
a different direction.

and again-
we land,


and each time,
a new me


to be human.

think of it this way:

life is the dress rehearsal and the opening night every day that we live it-

every experience is the opportunity to practice at being human,
to land a stunning debut as a human, being.

let's give ourselves,
and everyone else,
training space to get it right,
the main stage, to shine.

here’s to a great closing month for 2021-
break a leg;

to another 31 days to practice for 2022-
hope to see you soon!!

xxo sam

NOVEMber 2021

hyg·ge / sounds like hyoo · guh
a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture)
the HYGGE months are officially upon us!! now is the season of layers, warm drinks, soups/stews/chili, and the inevitable contemplation and reflection that goes hand in hand with being inside, wrapped up, and a little bit quieter.

in yoga philosophy, संतोष/saṃtoṣa/santōṣḥ/santosha is the niyama or observance of contentment, second in importance only to शौच/śauca/saucha, the observance of clarity (more often translated as purity or cleanliness; i prefer clarity given the oppressive connotations words like purity and cleanliness engender in the western context). clarity and contentment really do go hand in hand. we have to be clear about what exactly allows for our contentment, conditions that are as unique as we are. for some, traditional notions of purity and cleanliness might factor in as part of the equation - nothing clears my head like a long hot shower or soak in the tub. but clarity as a pre-cursor to contentment involves a deeper understanding of what in our lives is working for us, and against us. what needs to be shed or integrated to get hygge?

if you're like me, this assignment quickly becomes an obstacle to hygge itself. anyone else start making to-do lists, or plans to clean out closets, or look up a recipe for a hearty stew? thing is, you can't really chase contentment, it isn't something to be caught with the right tools, cage or bait. and while a favorite sweater and a hot cup of tea can set the scene for a hygge feeling, contentment, like most things, is a mindset, a way of being, one that starts with the clarity that who you are and what you have is more than enough.

so the next time you feel like having a hygge party, dress accordingly (my go to is sweatpants, oversized sweater, thick blanket), grab a warming treat (i can suggest a hearty split pea soup or hot chocolate), settle into a soft seat, and use the time it takes to drink or eat to reflect on the people, places and things already in your life that bring you delight/happiness/joy/pleasure/satsifaction, santosha's other translated definitions. over time, tapping into hygge, saucha and santosha won't require so many accessories, but in the meantime, enjoy practicing! i know i will.

HAPPY HYGGE SEASON friends, may this month bring you coziness, clarity and contentment <3

xxo sam


september 26, 2021 marked one year of PRACTICEwithSAM going live(virtual).

wow wow WOW.

what a wild ride it has been!!

first and foremost, so much gratitude to you all for supporting me as i ventured into the unknown territory of working outside the established studio system. this path hasn’t been easy, but after a decade of working for others, it has been liberating to do things on my own terms, none of which would have been possible without YOU!!! so thank you. thank you for reading this little newsletter and sending me your responses. for showing up, popping on zoom sessions and donating what you are able. thank you for signing up for one-on-ones. and an especially big thank you to the familiar faces i have come to look forward to seeing each week. you have all literally kept me going in the most uncertain, unpredictable and challenging of times. you have kept me afloat, and not just by helping to put meals in my belly and pay rent. your participation and practice has shown me that in a world that is constantly asking us to think bigger, go harder, scream louder, and when necessary be ruthless to survive and succeed, that it is possible to carry on with intention, integrity, compassion and kindness. and while the water i tread in these days feels much more like a pond than an ocean, i can see how in a world full of so many making waves, making ripples is an equally meaningful and worthwhile contribution towards change.

on that note, i am happy to share that in the past year our combined efforts have directed over $1500 to some very important organizations that continue to work diligently to ensure a brighter future for us all. i have listed these orgs below for your continued consideration in giving during the upcoming holiday seasons:


i don’t know what the future holds. i don’t know if we’ll go back to the way things were. but hell, we’re still here, and we’re making it work. here's to many more years of chugging along together, one day, and one small ripple, at a time.

xxo sam



In a field
I am the absence
of field.
This is
always the case.
Wherever I am
I am what is missing.

When I walk
I part the air
and always
the air moves in
to fill the spaces
where my body’s been.

We all have reasons
for moving.
I move
to keep things whole.

hindsight is 20-20, and following suit, the year 2020 shook everything up, locking us down, and locking us into a period of contemplation and reflection. clariTEA.

with hindsight i see the trajectory of my life, for the most part, as a straight line, consistently in forward motion. of course there have been bumps, pits and knots along the way, but it's fairly easy to trace point a to point b. b to c. c to d. cause > effect > cause > effect > and so on.

entering the final third of 2021 (what is time) i look back at the last (almost) two years and find that my lifeline has dissolved, and morphed into something resembling a dimly lit, unfamiliar room, cluttered with piles of mysterious boxes and objects. the overwhelming feeling in this place is a cocktail of disorientation, uncertainty and apprehension. sort of like i'm constantly bracing myself for an inevitable fall that i miraculously keep sidestepping. last week Seyward used the word slippery to describe the energy of the season, and it's stuck- thank you Seyward.

if 2020 was the year of the pivot, 2021 is the year of mastering the art of finding firm footing. in a dimly lit room, or on slippery surfaces, sometimes the best thing to do is to sit all the way down- to acclimate, to re-focus, to let equilibrium reset. and sometimes it's best to keep moving, because momentum is a powerful force - it can keep you bouyant, upright, break barriers - and it can be channeled, with practice. knowing when to slow or sit down, and when to keep moving, is key.

the ऋग्वेद, ṛgveda, or Rig Veda - the most ancient of known Sanskrit texts - provides another helpful framework for slippery times (shout out to Roberto for reminding me). first the imagery of the line must be adjusted so that one end meets the other in a loop, a circle, or if you want to get really fancy Roberto also suggested the visual of a helix or a spiral: connected stacked circles rising upwards. in each cycle, experience flows continuously from asat (disorder) > sat (order) > yajna (sacrifice) > rta dhih (embodied vision), and back again.

let's apply this schema to the experience of learning a new skill... let's say making clay pots. the individual enters the world of clay-making in a state of asat (disorder), wherein their days and weeks are unscheduled and undirected, to one of sat (order), with days and weeks routinized by the study and practice of throwing clay. not only does the transition from asat to sat require yajna (sacrifice) - of time, attention and energy - but at some point during the learning process, what is learned must also be sacrificed so that rta dhih (embodied vision) can arise. all that attention paid to honing techniques and skills, well, at some point, that too has to give way for organic expression, that magical experience of creativity flowing freely whatever direction it must, guided gently by a practiced hand, but never stifled by it. artistry/mastery happens at the intersection of skill and expression, and order must be sacrificed to make space for whatever it is that needs to come through.

perhaps then what is so slippery about the times we are in is that despite the common challenge the pandemic presents, we're all in various stages and degrees of understanding and engaging the eternal cycle of asat, sat, yajna and rta dhih. and worst of all we're comparing notes, feeling pressured to slow down or speed up to match the pace of the people around us. and that most of all is demoralizing, because you can only be where you are. maybe right now that's feeling like a hot mess. or maybe you've found your rhythm amidst all the turbulence. maybe yours is the experience of sacrifice, one after the next. and yes, even with everything that's happening, magical moments exist and persist.

so while hindsight feels like it's 20-20, i'm realizing the clarity it advertises applies only to a small part of the picture; the rest is still coming together somewhere outside the frame, and each glance back, or hind-sight, is revealing, but never reveals the whole scene. every experience we have has the potential to shift and change the trajectory of where we are going... so just keep going! enter the cycle, and move out of the line. embrace chaos. create order. let things go. and most importantly, delight fully in all the magic you cultivate along the way.

finding firm footing is easy on solid ground, and these days the world is anything but.
still, i think we're up for the challenge.
let's move to keep things whole.

xxo sam


Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night. —Rainer Maria Rilke

my niece took her first steps last week. the video is priceless.

it opens on a delighted Ruby, standing proudly. in one hand she holds a small plush toy. the other grips tightly to a larger play structure for balance. a huge smile stretches ear to ear as she wobbles, glancing back and forth between her dad behind her, and her mom behind the screen in front of her. some gentle coaxing, a few adorable baby giggles, and she lets go of the toy that was helping her stand. teetering, she places one foot in front of the other, the smile on her face growing bigger and brighter as she gurgles gleefully, holding the plush toy, now with both hands as she walks. one step, and another, walking on her own for the very first time. the sound of loud cheers and applause fills the room.

every single day, little humans take their first steps. every day! and catching Ruby's first, albeit secondhand, i couldn't help but feel the excitement of her accomplishment. truly significant! of course, for parents, and aunties like me - those of us personally invested in the development of a particular tiny human figuring out the mechanics of their body and consciousness - these moments aren't just moments. they are the culmination of an everyday struggle. first Ruby had to learn how to hold up her head. then to lie on her belly. to crawl (though she pretty much skipped that step), stand, and finally, walk. Ruby’s first steps didn't just happen miraculously out of nowhere, they were the result of 14ish months of growth, and a whole lot of practice. months and months of falling and getting back up. failing and trying again. pushing past frustration that often ended in tears. plus developing all the right muscles and coordination, made possible only through repetition, and dogged perseverance. in 14ish months Ruby literally overcame what was previously impossible. i suppose that’s why it’s called a milestone.

first steps, milestones, they are happening all of the time. and when we are young, like Ruby, there are people there cheering us on, celebrating each new achievement, sharing in our excitement when we finally get the job done.

then, somewhere along the way, our first steps blend unceremoniously into next steps. and our milestones? they hover like a mirage, perpetually at a distance, somewhere towards the horizon; loom high, a steep incline, daunting, like Everest. as bigger humans, the time and effort it takes to succeed, to get from one moment worth celebrating to the next, can take years, even decades, and in some cases, feels as though we will be trudging, and climbing, forever; our oasis, or peak, always just out of reach, a reality that is overwhelmingly bleak. so bleak that we take to glorifying the struggle itself. patting ourselves and each other on the back for simply surviving the grind, the hustle, the rat race that is adult life. sometimes we even derive a strange sense of fulfillment, even pleasure, from cataloging how intense or unfavorable the conditions of our journey have become. wallowing in just how much harder the next step will be, how much more unsurmountable our circumstances are in comparison to others. ever start a convo with ‘you will not believe what just happened to me’?

somewhere along the way our milestones become pits of despair. because - to borrow the sentiments of Olivia Rodrigo - god, it’s brutal out here.

perhaps we can take a page from our youth, and show ourselves the same enthusiasm we do for our littles. the next time things feel particularly brutal or bleak - those days when you're Sisyphus pushing a boulder up a neverending slope, or when you feel stuck, like you’ve fallen into a hole a thousand times over and aren’t sure why you keep getting up... lift your head. crawl. get yourself standing. put one foot in front of the other. and most importantly, each time that you do, don't just dust yourself off, give yourself a big f’ing round of applause. celebrate every step, because each has the potential to be the first in a better direction. and each one you've already taken? well, it got you to right where you are, and that too deserves big cheers and applause, is itself a cause for celebration.

my final thoughts:
make your own milestones.
revel in them unabashedly.
and maybe make them closer together, a little less mountain-esque, a little more mole-hill. it’s a way to make the bleak and the brutal, more beautiful; a way to honor how we are all, tiny or big, blooming most recklessly, each and every day.

xxo sam

JULY 2021

i've been thinking a lot about presence.

and all the opportunities and obstacles to being present that we face in the age of technology.

without it we wouldn't be able to connect and be present with each other when challenges like the pandemic make being together impossible.

with it we can spend hours and hours staring at screens disconnected from what's tangibly present right next to us.

i am so grateful to technology for making it possible to see you as regularly as i do, on zooms; to stay up to date with your exciting lives via social media. but i am also weary that my attachment to technology as the main way to stay connected is taking a toll.

i crave a more present presence.

so, for now, i bid adieu to instagram, facebook, and tik tok. i will miss seeing everything you are up to, but am excited at the prospect of connecting IRL.

zoom sessions will continue (schedule below), so please, don't be a stranger! meet me live-virtual to move OR drop me an email to make a date on a park bench, for an iced tea, or at the beach!!

until then, i leave you with the ever present words of BAZ LUHRMANN, chock full of important reminders, and some seriously good advice:


ladies and gentlemen of the class of '97
wear sunscreen
if i could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it
a long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists
whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable
than my own meandering experience, i will dispense this advice now
enjoy the power and beauty of your youth, oh, never mind
you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth
until they've faded, but trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back
at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now
how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked
you are not as fat as you imagine
don't worry about the future
or worry, but know that worrying
is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum
the real troubles in your life
are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind
the kind that blindsides you at 4 p.m. on some idle tuesday
do one thing every day that scares you
saying, don't be reckless with other people's hearts
don't put up with people who are reckless with yours
don't waste your time on jealousy
sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind
the race is long and in the end, it's only with yourself
remember compliments you receive, forget the insults
if you succeed in doing this, tell me how
keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements
don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life
the most interesting people I know
didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives
some of the most interesting 40-year-olds i know still don't
get plenty of calcium
be kind to your knees
you'll miss them when they're gone
maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't
maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't
maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the 'funky chicken'
on your 75th wedding anniversary
whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much
or berate yourself either
your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's
enjoy your body, use it every way you can
don't be afraid of it or what other people think of it
it's the greatest instrument you'll ever own
dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your own living room
read the directions even if you don't follow them
do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly
get to know your parents, you never know when they'll be gone for good
be nice to your siblings, they're your best link to your past
and the people most likely to stick with you in the future
understand that friends come and go
but a precious few, who should hold on
work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle
for as the older you get
the more you need the people you knew when you were young
live in New York City once but leave before it makes you hard
live in northern California once but leave before it makes you soft
accept certain inalienable truths
prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too, will get old
and when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young
prices were reasonable, politicians were noble
and children respected their elders
respect your elders
don't expect anyone else to support you
maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse
but you never know when either one might run out
don't mess too much with your hair
or by the time you're 40 it will look 85
be careful whose advice you buy but be patient with those who supply it
advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past
from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts
and recycling it for more than it's worth
but trust me on the sunscreen.

*also big shout out to SEYWARD DARBY's podcast NO PLACE LIKE HOME whose most recent drop brings us back to the days of old hollywood and the incomparable JUDY GARLAND, whose talent for bringing audiences so incredibly present through song, dance and charm - to make us all so terribly happy - obscured the darkness of the machine that made her popularity and fame possible. the parallels to another queen of pop (ahem BRITNEY) are boggling.

and most of all, remember, as much as you possibly can… BE HERE NOW!

xxo sam

JUNE 2021

first things first...

1) the boot lives (my bones grow slow) but i will not let these circumstances stop me! zoom sessions will continue despite my sedentary status. i am also taking this moment to share my personal commitment to having a hot girl summer, and i hope you will join me!

2) zoom sessions will take a small pause JUNE 10 thru JUNE 17 while i-make-it-work-camping-while-crutched at me/Aaron's annual Lake George getaway. like i said, i will not be stopped. as always, recorded sessions are available to rent, by donation, just make sure to make your requests by JUNE 9 bc i will be fully off the grid 6/10-18. first session back will be sat 6/19, full schedule of JUNE sessions below, and on my website.

which leads us to, in no particular order, items and activities to consider as part of your hot person summer starter pack:
hotdogs & hamburgers.
the beach.
iced coffee.
storm king art center.
soft-serve ice-cream.
park hangs.
frozen drinks.
bathing suits.
a glass of wine at sunset.
grilled corn.
swimming, in all forms.
outdoor concerts.
late night strolls.
the botanical gardens.
iced barley tea.

please share any additional items/activities that you would recommend for a successful hottie summer season, and let's get to it bebes!! show up and show out!!! chase joy, seek out what inspires, and most importantly eat it, wear it, and do the damn thing!!!! these are the months to go big, get out there and maximize all the light that inevitably comes with the heat... fingers crossed i see you at the beach <3

happy summer!!

xxo sam

MAY 2021

Stalactites hang from the ceiling. Stalagmites grow from the floor.
All are fragile crystals, born from the sweat of rocks in the depths of caves etched into the mountains by water and time.
Stalactites and stalagmites spend thousands of years reaching down and reaching up drop by drop, searching for each other in the darkness.
It takes some of them a million years to touch.
They are in no hurry.
(from Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone by Eduardo Galeano)

lately i've been thinking a lot about patience. and connection. not all that surprising given that most of my time is currently being spent sprawled on a couch, with my leg elevated, waiting, waiting, waiting, for a small bone in my foot to connect to itself - a particular and mundane frame from which to visit these two important principles. Galeano's imagery above is certainly a more beautiful and profound meditation.

in the tradition of Buddhism and Jainism, to and from which the tradition of Yoga flows, the word for patience is kṣānti, a close relation to the Sanskrit ṣānti, perhaps better known phonetically as shanti, that popularly uttered yoga word for peace. one of my favorite things about the Sanskrit language is that a word rarely has one singular meaning - when you look up kṣānti, you'll find patience, but also forbearance, endurance, forgiveness, even indulgence; look up ṣānti, and up pops the expected word peace, but also alleviation, calmness of mind, and rest. yuj, the root of the word yoga, is that which connects, the connector; yoga is connection, union, junction, but also, addition, and total.

now you might be starting to think, ok sam, what does this all have to do with me? in one sense, maybe nothing. perhaps the connection isn't there for you, which is totally valid. not everything that's thrown at you is for you, in which case, forgive me, and duck, or perhaps catch it to pass it along.

if, however, this indulgence in words sparks something for you, i invite you to be the yuj, the connector, and wonder, what do these words taken together bring up (or reach down to)... patience, forbearance, endurance, forgiveness, indulgence, peace, alleviation, calmness of mind, rest, connector, connection, union, junction, addition, total...

my mind can't help but wonder to where we are now, at yet another precipice of the pandemic. while we in NYC can line up to receive the vaccine (also click here for info on how to get vaxxed at The Natural History Museum), and begin enjoying the outdoors sans a mask (if fully vaccinated, and not in a crowd), India is experiencing its most devastating losses yet (for ways to help visit this google doc).

as much as it feels like we finally have firmer footing - the beginning of the end of COVID! - the abyss that is this pandemic continues to exist, and it's just one false move away. yes, the light is there at the end of the tunnel, but darkness is still all around. patience and endurance, on all our parts, is nonetheless necessary. if the past year+ taught us anything, it's just how connected we all are.

miss you, love you + can't wait to see you!
xxo sam

ApriL 2021

OH JOY! here comes the sun!!!

the days are getting longer and brighter! the air is warmer! the chilly temps and weighty layers are beginning to melt away- anyone else feel like they’re ripping open a cocoon when the winter months start to fade?

i am very much a warm seasons human. i thrive in the heat; dry or sticky. i live for the thick salty breeze at the beach, and the feeling of the sun, prickly hot on my skin.....................


i started writing this musing last week....BEFORE i took a wee tumble down the stairs and broke my foot.
ya girl is a bone-a-fide (had to do it) klutz!

and as much as i was prepared to feel completely down in the dumps, the reality of the pandemic, and my past experience with this particular ailment (not even joking, i broke my other foot two years ago), has me perfectly poised to embrace this rather unfortunate pivot. i am quite practiced at staying at home (lol), and bc i’ve been broken footed before, i have the tools to share movement using only my words and gestures... so *shameless plug* please keep coming to group zooms! i'll be super bored/lonely without you!!

that being said, i also recognize that, no matter how you slice it, some situations, like the one i’m currently facing, just suck. breaking a bone/being immobile/insert-your-moment-here, SUCKS!!!!!! *a quick thank you to Sarah who reminded me it's important to acknowledge just how much things suck sometimes.

so yes, i'm prepared, this sucks... AND
1) so much more has sucked so much harder this year...we pushed through. this sucky moment has a flip side too!
2) my foot bone will heal, and will, in fact, be stronger for it-
3) which reminds me of Britney Spears' STRONGER, a full damn anthem; please click here to re-live this gem of a song/music video, the chair work is FIRE!

so, dear ones, no matter what this season brings you- crossing my fingers it’s more sun, and less suck- i hope you see the ways in which you have been made stronger by all your experiences, and perhaps especially so by those that fractured, cracked and even crumbled you...

crossing my fingers i see you soon in a zoom room!
with love-
xxo sam

MARCH 2021

*the pandemaversary

on March 15, 2020 i taught my last in person yoga class. soon it will officially be one year since the doors of businesses first closed, and our own doors closed to each other due to covid quarantine measures.

one year. twelve months. 52 weeks. 365 days. 525,600 minutes.

time is a funny thing.

every morning i wake up and open my calendar to mentally organize my day. i find the pockets of time between zoom sessions and decide when i'll make/eat breakfast/lunch/dinner, meditate, move my body, read (some non-negotiables). then i'll figure out what time i have left to plan a movement sequence, clean, do laundry, buy groceries etc. in the in-between moments i text my people to check-in, or i jump on to instagram to portal into the lives of the people i know or knew from lives past, or onto tik-tok to visit the worlds of strangers who have become my anonymous friends. i spend a lot of time in the far right corner of my couch, under a blanket, sandwiched by cats. and as much as i've started getting comfortable in this new normal, and i shudder a little typing those words, everything feels somehow odd, like i've wandered into an alternate universe, or stepped into a dream that keeps repeating itself. day after day. more of the same. some people call it a wall, to me it feels like a fog. but for the most part i'm ok, and that's part of what's so strange. i'm ok.

gathering all of my quarantine days all at once, tracing the path from point A: March 15, 2020, to point B: March 15, 2021, i see just how much has transpired, and how zany this year's journey has been. so much has happened. so much has changed. and maybe this too is part of hitting the wall, getting lost in the fog: the feeling of nothing and everything shifting. the feeling of not being free but not trapped completely. the feeling of being pressed up against a wall that keeps appearing no matter what direction you turn, or how many steps forwards or backwards you take. or like finding myself in a fog that never quite dissipates, and only allows me to see clearly two moves ahead, never more, never less.

we are, in a way, stuck in limbo: somewhere between life as we knew it before, and life, whatever it will look like, once the threat of the pandemic has lifted. and yet, life goes on. even in limbo, life goes on. we have found ways to connect, to cultivate joy, to grieve, to grow...and regress. we have celebrated. and mourned. we have pivoted, taken big leaps, punched walls, watched the fog creep in- over and over and over again. we make plans. we organize our time. we dream. we laugh. we cry. we scream. we keep trying.

even in limbo, time passes, and we move along with the stream.

i'm not optimistic in the sense that i don't think this limbo will end any time soon. but i am optimistic because i do believe more and more in the power of me, and of you. we are so much stronger, more courageous, brilliant and beautiful than we give ourselves credit for:

we've survived-
one year.
twelve months.
52 weeks.
365 days.
525,600 minutes.

so whenever your marker is, acknowledge it. pay tribute to your pandemaversary. recognize everything that's transpired during this year unlike any other, and salute how you've made your way through it. remember everyone and everything that's been lost, but also make space to celebrate the ways this year has moved you along, maybe even levelled you up. light a candle. let it burn in remembrance. or blow out the flame, make a wish, make a prayer. or make your own ritual. a little reverence is good for the soul. it’s the magic we can make for ourselves, if we choose it.

and the next time you hit a wall? lean against it. let it hold you up for a while. feel lost in the fog? sit down. take stock of where you are and exactly what you've got. chances are, after a few big breaths, a little rest, maybe a snack, you'll know just the thing to do, or at the very least have the necessary strength for another small step.

sending love-
xxo sam


as january 2021 comes to a close i find myself fully feeling the realness of everything we are and have been surviving during the last ten months of this pandemic. how strange it is to experience something this tremendous so collectively, and at the same time, so utterly on our own.

i am lucky to live with a partner, two sweet kitty fuzz-mos, and a brumating turtle, to whom much of my joy and sanity is owed, and yet there are moments when even this blessed set of circumstances only serves to highlight how much of my experience is entirely mine, and no one else's. spending so much time with just one other person makes one's own quirks unbearably plain. and with nowhere to go, and my (kind, amazing, supportive) partner as a constant mirror and other to my own self, i have no place to hide from my intense me-ness. it feels like i am, in a strange way, coming to terms with myself, my real self, warts and all, for the very first time. i can only imagine what this experience is like for the folks who are isolating alone, facing themselves in the daunting vacuum of self as mirror, other and i. woof.

on top of all that, every single day, we as individuals are also making decisions for ourselves that affect ALL of the people around us. we are constantly weighing and balancing the importance of our-self (health, wealth, sanity etc) versus everyone else's. even if we don't KNOW, we know that what the i chooses to do has a real, life or death impact on all the yous that aren't me. this takes a real toll on the psyche. and while our current situation is unusual in the acuteness of it's felt gravity, the ripple effect of the i on the you, and the us on each other, has always been true.

we are hopelessly and powerfully interconnected.

this is the realness i cannot unsee. our connection to each other is what brought us collectively to our knees. and in that sense, perhaps we needed to be isolated from each other, maybe we needed to feel so utterly alone, so that we might remember how much we need each other, how much we need to protect one and other, how much we need to work together to make the project of humanity, our humanity, work.

FEBRUARY is BLACK HISTORY MONTH, and i would be remiss not to acknowledge the contributions made by the Black community historically, at their own expense, for the tangled project of america to carry on. the debt we owe is unpayable. and despite the inhuman ways we continue to treat Black people in this country, it is Black people who are leading the charge in reminding us what it is to be human.

take for example the incomprable STACEY ABRAMS, an incredible Black femme who showed us exactly the power one person has in recognizing our force as a collective, and the importance of remembering that every voice matters. instead of running for senate in 2020, STACEY ABRAMS established FAIR FIGHT, an organization that inspired thousands to act, and whose collective efforts effectively flipped the state of Georgia, and with it, the Senate, blue. STACEY ABRAMS decision to ripple outward for the collective via FAIR FIGHT and it's campaigns to educate, encourage voter participation, and protect the vote, not only impacted a whole state, but also our whole dang country, and the efficacy of our federal government to meet its largely failed premise of being of the people, by the people, for the people. one person did that. and that one person is also just a person, like you, and like me, with all her own complexities, wants, and needs.

STACEY ABRAMS deserves our applause and admiration, as do all the Black folks out there making this place we call home better for us all. but it's not STACEY ABRAMS or the Black community's responsibility to step in as the hero of our epic story. there is no one individual, or community, that can fix the mess we find ourselves in, together, and it's unfair to expect that of anyone. we have, collectively, time and time again, taken the easy route of propping up a savior or villian, one person, or one group of people, we can hedge all our bets on to make things better, or blame for the terrible conditions we find ourselves in.

what we can learn from the example of STACEY ABRAMS, from the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement that was galvanized by the murder of GEORGE FLOYD, and from the Black community that has survived america against all odds, its that real power lies in each individual's ability to act, and to act with the collective in mind.

so, for the month of FEBRUARY, i start by celebrating each and every one of you for your actions, for your contributions, no matter how small. you too are make ripples that have made it easier from someone in your life to laugh, to move forward, to breathe. i deeply thank those of you who have popped into a zoom to move with me, and to those of you who have donated so generously to support me, and my ability to support others. last month, together, we raised $148 for VOIX NOIRE. this month 20% of all donations from group zooms will be redirected to FAIR FIGHT- because as much relief as i feel

that president JOE BIDEN and vice president KAMALA HARRIS successfully took over the white house, they too can only do so much. they too are only just people, each with their own unique complexities... and the fight for ourselves, and for each other, for humanity, yours and mine, is just getting started, and at the very least, i'm hoping it will be something closer to fair.

xxo sam


wow friends, we made it. the dawn of a new year is upon us. and especially after the year we've survived, the allure of a fresh start is quite intoxicating. like a new notebook, the pages of 2021 are pristine, unwritten and unsullied by the messes of life. when the clock strikes midnight we can choose to imagine a new beginning, the chance to do things differently, better, to get it just right..

and yet, looking back, there is something strangely beautiful about the 'notebook' i've kept, it's pages far from pristine, full of spills, rips, glitter bomb revelations, tear stains, coffee stains, little thoughts, big thoughts, blanks and empties, scribbles, poems, doodles, charts and diagrams, dreams, crossed out lists, wins, losses, checks and x's, plans and promises broken and kept...

and you know what i'm realizing, i don't want a new notebook. i don't want to begin again. fuck. the. fresh. start. i'm choosing to continue from right where i'm at. as rough as 2020 was, i made that mess, and that mess made me.

so instead of making resolutions this New Year's Eve i'm celebrating resilience, and continuity, mine and yours. we really fucking did it, and we're going to keep doing it, exactly the way we know how. one foot in front of the other. we keep moving.

2021, let's dance.

xxo sam


the final countdown

2020's time is nigh, the FINAL COUNTDOWN is ON. 31 days until this trash fire year is behind us. THANK THE LORT.

and while i'm very much looking forward to the fresh hope of a new year, i also know that the single numerical shift from 20 to 21 is largely symbolic- everything we lost, learned, reimagined and recalibrated this year will carry over into the next. the legacy of systemic racism and the ongoing pandemic, as well as all our own personal struggles, will not magically be resolved when the clock strikes midnight on December 31st. but you already knew this!

so, what does a new year offer us, and how can we best use this, the month preceding it?

POSSIBILITY- for me a new year is full of possibilities. and 2021 perhaps more so than others precisely because this past year proved so much that anything and everything is horrifyingly possible. like a schoolhouse bully 2020 pushed us down into the mud of one insane possibility after another. well, school is out, and recess is definitely over, and NOW is the time we have to pick ourselves up. NOW is the time we tenderly carry ourselves home. NOW is the time we peel off our mud stained clothes, take a hot bath and remember exactly who the hell we are underneath all the muck and the mire. why? because the world needs us. the world needs each and every one of us to keep doing exactly what we are already doing, to keep being exactly what we already are... human.

perhaps this final month of 2020 is the time to practice preserving our humanity, individually and collectively. so that when 2021 rolls up, we can look it right in the eye, and from a very human heart decide what possibilities we choose to amplify, and the ones we respectfully set aside, all while keeping our freshly laundered clothes clean, or dare i say pristine! well, a gal can hope (but also maybe say a little prayer that 2021 is more like a kindhearted and super supportive teacher, and not another bully hell bent on torment).

here’s hoping we practice being human together in cyberspace!

sending love
xxo sam



keeping it short this go around, life has been feeling extra funky of late, i don't know if you've been feeling it too. maybe it's mercury...

THANKFULLY that shit goes direct just in time for ELECTION DAY.

if you haven't done so already...





thank you for you!!
xxo sam


GTFO playlist here. WELCOME BACK playlist here. the tunes will save us if nothing else will!

more importantly pls consider volunteering with FAIR FIGHT to help get the vote out in GEORGIA and/or if you are financially able please donate to Reverend Warnock and Jon Ossoff to support their campaigns in the Georgia runoff elections!!

FWINTER addendum:

[go big and bold for the important bits]


a chill is in the air!
the holiday season is upon us!

as temperatures drop, and the indulgence (yay) train of T-day to NYE begins, the inertia of fall/winter, better dubbed FWINTER by my dear friends Cathy and Adam, feels oh-so-heavy in its inevitability.

with the sun setting at 415pm (a sun lamp has been key to smoothing out this transition for me), the covid pandemic continuing to rage on (stay home; wear a mask!), the ridiculous antics of our current political leadership (GTFO), and the pervasive hold of racism still gripping our nation (we are playing a very long game, don't forget to support REVEREND WARNOCK and JON OSOFF in the Georgia runoff elections; click here for more info on how to do just that)- the impact on our physical/mental/emotional systems is all too REAL!

in light of all this, perhaps FWINTER 2020 is arriving JUST IN TIME for us all to practice SELF-CARE AS SELF-EMPOWERMENT; to invite the seasonal slow-down as a part of the process instead of something to battle against. can we reframe the inside-times ahead as less of a damper? what if FWINTER is our opportunity to get settled, the gift we give to ourselves to re-group, to spend quality time with me, myself and i (or whoever sits at your council), and take stock of where we've landed, what got us here, and where we want to go next; to catalog what we have, what we can share, and what we need to move forward. how do we make FWINTER the season to get good with our bad selves so we can keep making magic the best ways we know how? my gut is telling me to LEAN IN and RELISH THE COZY while the season demands it. now is the time to wrap up in a blanket, drink something warm, turn down, and turn in. and when the joints need some oiling, the muscles feel crunchy, and the heart whispers 'let's dance', then, we practice on the mat!

TWO important items to note with regards to making mat moves as way to balance inertia, practice self-caring, sharing and listening to all that you're feeling:

1) SATURDAY 11/21 at NOON (12pm eastern) i'm running a special 60min weekend movement session in support of TYLER'S HOLIDAY GIFT, a sweet holiday book drive event held annually by the incredible Rachael Worthington (IG @rachworthy). In her own words:

"In honor and memory of my cousin Tyler, every holiday season I collect brand new children’s books. The books are then delivered to hospitalized children and their caregivers in the week leading up to Christmas. Books are usually delivered to the tiniest of babies, to children, and to teenagers. A book may not seem like much, but to hospitalized children and their families, especially around the holidays, it means more than you can possibly imagine. This year, I am partnered with two campuses of New York-Presbyterian Hospital, as well as a non-profit out of Chicago aimed at providing greater access to more inclusive children’s literature. My goal this year is 500 books by the end of December."

to move with me SATURDAY 11/21 at NOON, please visit https://www.tylersholidaygift.com/donate for ways to donate a book, which will serve as your admission in lieu of a monetary donation for the session. please take a screenshot of your purchase confirmation page and send directly to me or to tylersholidaygift@gmail.com prior to practicing.

even if you can't make saturday's special session i sincerely hope you consider donating a book, or spreading the word about TYLER'S HOLIDAY GIFT. seriously, nothing compares to the feeling of doing something nice for a stranger, and the competitive gal in me really wants to help Rachael get to her 500 book goal!!

2) please note a schedule change for this coming THU 11/26 aka T-day. session will now be held at 10AM; same zoom creds as above, still 60mins, and by donation

finally, if i don't see you in the next week i hope most of all that you find a few minutes to take some easy breaths and...

-acknowledge that everything you are feeling is valid
-remember that nothing is permanent, good or bad
-recognize the strength and resilience of your body, mind and heart

be well <3
xxo sam


spooktober 2020

the rules are always the same:
-read the whole damn thing. there will be no quiz. no gold star. 
-read the bolded lines. thems the really important bits!
-don't read it at all!
the choice, always, is yours.

(1) reminder to self-

there are good people, good places
there are good moments, good memories
there really is goodness
for a reason
for every season
for lifetimes

(2) suggested reading- "Breonna Taylor and Perpetual Black Trauma" / NYT 
we live in a system that operates by methodically devaluing human life. 
a system that monetizes joy, grief, and everything in between. 
a system that values antiquated ideas over lived realities. 
a system that is ruthless and heartless in its pursuit of success, dominance, and superiority. 

BREONNA TAYLOR’s life was worth more than a number or loophole. 


y’all we are living in a matrix, 
with real people yelling in our face that there is a bigger struggle, 
that real people’s lives are being systematically made to suffer, 
are being erased

this does not diminish our individual experiences of hardship. 
but it does require us to do more than wake up. 

if we continue with the movie analogy the next step would be to,
‘follow the white rabbit’ (to bite Ru Paul’s lexicon, why it gotta be white?),
and ‘take the blue or red pill’.

but if i can attest to anything it’s that following is overrated and too often leads to danger;
and that it really is imperative to chew on something for while before swallowing, 
if you get my meaning.

so, in lieu of a quick follow or fix,
i’m choosing to practice asking the following questions:

what more can i learn, and lean into?
what/how can i lead, first for myself, and then maybe with and for others?
what is something i’ve woken up to/am learning that i can make a practical part of my lived reality?

ask for suggestions! share your own! here's one way to start doing daily: bit.ly/strikeforbreonna and/or volunteer

(3) yoga thoughts-
vivian asked some very good questions in response to my welcome missive. thank you vivian for sending your queries in, and for letting me share them with the group!! below find vivian's questions in italics, and my responses in not:

i think this […] leaves me with more questions than answers around what a yoga teacher is or is not. would you think nobody in the western world should be calling themselves a yoga teacher now then? or what are the qualities or beliefs that would actually make someone able to own that? or is the whole construct of that purely a commercialized thing and has never historically otherwise been a thing? 

ok, first of all, phew ME TOO! so many questions over answers. and maybe that's the point, that there isn't an easy answer, it just always depends on circumstance and context. the thing i keep coming back to is that traditionally Yoga and yoga is shared by a guru, a spiritual leader, a founder or longtime disciple of a particular lineage of philosophy and practice. classically, to be a guru of Yoga is a serious and sacred commitment. once initiated the disciple and their spiritual development becomes the responsibility of the guru, which means the guru agrees to take on any karma (action; cause and effect) incurred by the disciple as their own. sometimes a set of ideas and practices established and shared by a guru becomes codified as a lineage, and the task of sharing of this tried praxis more broadly is taken on by a longtime disciple, often times with the blessing of the guru/founder, and often times without. i can only speak for myself in saying that none of these paths i can claim comfortably or happily as my own. i am not a spiritual teacher or leader. i am sans a guru or lineage. for these reasons i don't feel comfortable identifying as a yoga teacher, but i also don't feel comfortable determining who can or can't call themselves one. i think it's up to each person to determine based on their context and what feels authentic to them, and what identifier is appropriate to take on. i also think vivian's insight that the construct and commercialization of 'yoga teacher' as a byproduct of the commodification of yoga feels very real, a paradigm i am increasingly wary of with the advent of social media and the ways we can now objectify, curate and monetize the self, as 'yoga teacher' or otherwise. i hope that makes sense? and if this ramble provokes more awesome questions, email, share, i love the idea of continuing a dialog!

(4) feel free to email any thoughts, concerns, questions! 


thank you for you!!
xxo sam