Group Sessions

all group sessions are VIRTUAL and BY DONATION via ZOOM. donations are appreciated but not required. times are tough, give accordingly. 80% of donations support me and my retirement fund. each month the remaining 20% will go to a different organization that supports the peace and prosperity of BLACK LIVES and BIPOC communities in america (always open to suggestions).

for the month of APRIL 100% of all donations from group zooms will be directed to moving west!! moving costs are all too real, and in an effort to put on my oxygen mask first i'll be pausing paying it forward until MAY. until then please share organizations you think i should consider supporting in the coming months!

to receive ZOOM credentials (changes monthly) and stay up to date with scheduling etc. please hit subscribe on the bottom of the homepage or send me an email.

group sessions follow a weekly trajectory.
 movement sequences will stay structurally similar tuesday through saturday, but will build as the week progresses, as outlined below. know that i invite and encourage the taking of breaks. i champion ditching what doesn’t make sense. i want you to question what makes the most sense for YOU, and expect you to make changes as necessary for your body and experience. 

TUESDAYS 730AM ET 60mins
practice will start slower, we’ll spend a little more time with form, but still find a way into flow. this practice will build a foundation for the week’s sequence.

practice will dive deeper into a flow with an emphasis on form, function and transitions.

practice will go longer, move faster, with options to get bolder and bigger.

-plan to arrive to the zoom meeting 5 - 10mins prior to the scheduled session time if you have thoughts, questions, concerns that you want addressed in person.

-practice will start promptly, and zoom will be locked at 15mins into the session.

-VIDEO ON, if you are into encouragement, and (verbal) adjustment cues directed specifically to you / VIDEO OFF if you choose to keep your practice to yourself.

-spotify playlist (optional) for practice with music (also option) will be shared via link in the chat function of zoom.

-i will mute all participants except for myself once practice begins but you can always ask questions (or share tech issues eg. can't hear me etc.) in the chat function of zoom. KNOW that i encourage the asking of questions! and please let me know if something doesn't make sense. oftentimes what might be a question for you is also a question for someone else, and oftentimes your questions lead me to better ways of sharing ideas, or brand new revelations for us all!

-at the close of the session there will be time for community announcements and action items. if YOU would like to share something with the group please email me BEFORE the scheduled session time so i can vet the information to be shared, and so i can give you a proper introduction prior to sharing! i also want to be respectful of my and everyone's time, and given that these sessions are happening in my space, on my platform, in my world (it’s a zany one), i will take responsibility for moderating the 5-10 or so minutes after each practice.

-you are always always welcome to duck out at as spontaneously or unceremoniously as you need to any point during or after the practice. i’ll probably follow up with an email to check in and make sure you are a-OK, but you do you, if you gotta go, for whatever reason, make it so!

if you can’t make a session at the scheduled date/time you also have the option to rent a session via expiring link.
 by donation for 48 hours after the scheduled session time; $20 for 7 days; $30 for 30 days. to rent a recorded session send me an email.
*group sessions are recorded: not you, just me!
your video will never be recorded, only mine, but know that audio isn’t screen specific, so if you speak up, your voice will be audible in my recorded sessions! if you don’t want your voice recorded, please limit your communication with me, during sessions, to the confines of the chat function of zoom.

ONE-on-one sessions (VIRTUAL)

there is also the option to schedule a ONE-ON-ONE, at your discretion, my schedule permitting- email for availability!

45mins $75
*ideal for posture breakdowns, alignment checks and/or therapeutic movement (targeting a specific area that is under stress, feels sensitive or requires strengthening)

60mins $100
*ideal for posture breakdowns, alignment checks, therapeutic movement (targeting a specific area that is under stress, feels sensitive or requires strengthening), and/or building a sequence specific to your wants/needs

75mins $125
*ideal for posture breakdowns, alignment checks and/or therapeutic movement (targeting a specific area that is under stress, feels sensitive or requires strengthening), and/or building and practicing a sequence specific to your wants/needs

Donations + payment

donations and payment are accepted via venmo and paypal:
venmo @Samantha-Calvano

***i reserve the right to stop practicing with you at any point if i feel i can no longer support you adequately or appropriately, or in the event you contribute to an unsafe or uncomfortable environment for me or the other people practicing.