(1) i am not a yoga teacher. i never felt great claiming Yoga this way. i'm a lapsed Presbyterian (sorry Mom), Indonesian/Italian-American kid who grew up in Jakarta and Bangkok. i started practicing asana (postures) after college, and my introduction to yoga, and teaching it was problematic to say the least (VICE article / THE CUT article). while i’ve spent a lot of time since educating myself about Yoga, teaching in different ways, and to different communities (EDUCATION + EXPERIENCE), i’m still learning. i’m still unlearning. 

Yoga as a philosophy, and yoga as a practice are integral to who i am, what i do, and how i do things, but my understanding and practice of yoga is just that - MY understanding, MY practice - and to equate my take on yoga with Yoga feels appropriative, and i want to do better. i use yoga and Yoga very intentionally. Yoga is ineffable. Yoga is limitless. Yoga is the essence, the truth, the all and the nothing. Yoga is full and empty all at once. yoga is the attempt to understand or attain Yoga. Yoga is the painting in full. yoga is the brush stroke or collection of brushstrokes that are merely a part of the painting, but never the painting itself. language is important, words define our reality, and the only definitive thing i can say about Yoga is that it's rooted in the Vedic period of Indian civilization, and resists definition by virtue of it's myriad expression and practice throughout time, spanning cultures and continents. Yoga means a lot of different things to a lot of different people- i can only speak for myself and my experience.

(2) i am a human being, and i am very human. i am thin, able-bodied, bi-racial, third-cultural, and biologically female. my pro-nouns are she/her. i am educated. i live with anxiety and depression. some days i choose to lose myself in movement by whipping myself around, other days i find myself in movement by slowing way down and learning to listen. i aspire to be thoughtful, kind, supportive and patient. i wish i was less insecure, stubborn, undisciplined and petulant. i am silly, playful and serious. i love the sun. i’m indulgent - taurus sun/pisces moon/cancer rising - i cook and eat and drink and do all the things. i love my partner Aaron, my two feline babes Nyx and Loki, and also Don Logan the turtle. rain and snow days are for couches and covers. i have loving and complicated relationships with family and friends. i accidentally kill plants. i read. i write...sometimes. i craft. i watch a LOT of shit, good and bad, and honestly, love it all. i feel the most connected and centered in the ocean, in a forest of trees, or deep in the desert. i make mistakes. i try to do better. i listen. i dream. i pray. i believe in Yoga. i engage some yoga techniques, but not all. i also believe yoga requires contextualizing, problematizing and critiquing. i practice movement, informed by yoga, inspired by Yoga, but also other kinds of movement and practice that are neither and not.

(3) i facilitate movement!  my focus lives in the realm of the physical body and how to better support it; the mind, as it relates to the body, and the breath, as a primary mediator between the two. i facilitate movement that is intended to be challenging but accessible. be prepared to work but know i will always offer options to prepare for, amplify, or soften the intention or intensity of a posture, transition or technique. i will miss the mark! i will make mistakes! please challenge me on what and how you kNOW (as in know right NOW) better. please hold me accountable if i cause harm, however unintentionally, assume too much, say or do something inappropriate, because your experience matters. my goal is to create a safe space, and your investment and participation as the person in the driver’s seat is required to accomplish this. you are the boss of you! i am the boss of me! let's meet in the middle and practice together.

…to get to practicing pick up on my BRASS TACKS; for more sam thoughts, go go gadget MUSINGS; and, finally, you can always EMAIL me YOUR thoughts, questions, and concerns!

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